Thursday, 13 December 2007

New Project! Initial Thoughts.....

(These are thoughts form a few weeks ago)
The last project 'future design,' and in general the 3rd year so far has made me approach my work and briefs very differently. Before i would get burried down in technology and often neglect my creative ideas. This is due to the fact the briefs often required a finished product, made in a certain way! eg, animations in AE, a music vid in final cut that has to be 1minute long ect etc...I feel this year the the briefs have alot of room for movement and creativity.
Im not overally experienced in Flash, and havent used it for soo long, that ive probably forgot most of it! But thats obviousely something ive got to get back into.
Back to earlier, im not going to let this drown me in software. I want to keep the technology apect faily simple but have a really well thought out concept of interaction. HUMAN INTERACTION is an area I'd like to explore......

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