Thursday, 13 December 2007

IDEA... Toilet Graffiti

I had recently purchased a copy of Banksy's 'Wall and Piece,' for £8 from Virgin!! BARGAIN!! This opened my eyes to other implications that street art can be a very powerful from of message. The idea of messages and pictures being put in places that is not the intention of the architecture, and strangers reading it, not knowing who did it really struck me. It reminded me of about a week ago whilst in a pub toilet, reading and admiring (or at least finding it amusing) toilet graffiti.

I loved how someone would start with a little phrase or picture, and how over time people would add, re-interpreted and evolve it into something that could cover a whole wall. As I said earlier, i like the stranger interaction element. people's comments can vary on a huge scale. Some say bold and profound statements ( or they like to think so) such as " trust no one except yourself." Then on a different level, someone may reply "but i trust your mum, as she gives head!!" You get it! This is a common occurrence of sexual, and mum joke themes. It can be argued that people express exactly what they want to say in these situations as their identity will be unknown.

Initial Ideas.........

When first looking at the brief I instantly thought of Flash, websites and viral games, which was something I wanted to avoid!!!!

Once i got passed the intial and obvious thoughts, i went deeper into thought, which took me back to the guest speakers we have had in during the future design project.


Simon's work had a running theme of human interactivity. His work itself wasnt obviousely interactive, but its messages and meaning lay in human interactivity. More so in his earlier work. One peice was basic icons that represented an office and showed routes of each person. He also did similar stuff but on the theme of choice using a flow diagram.

I especially liked Soheila's style of work. Her themes where around human conditioning. She would set up installations and sometimes participate, and observe how the public interacted and reacted. She wasnt trying to put her own messages in her work, but more so let it take its own course and observe the results.

This is a concept I really like and want an aspect of my project to incluse social experiments.

Mike Blows Presentation

I took a few pages of notes in detail that are in my sketchbook. In general, he explored the different forms of of interaction. Looking alot at the range of sensors available. I found this of benefit as it showed me to look at interactive eqiupment and what is availible. Ways for an audience to interact.(Being aware and non-aware of their action)

New Project! Initial Thoughts.....

(These are thoughts form a few weeks ago)
The last project 'future design,' and in general the 3rd year so far has made me approach my work and briefs very differently. Before i would get burried down in technology and often neglect my creative ideas. This is due to the fact the briefs often required a finished product, made in a certain way! eg, animations in AE, a music vid in final cut that has to be 1minute long ect etc...I feel this year the the briefs have alot of room for movement and creativity.
Im not overally experienced in Flash, and havent used it for soo long, that ive probably forgot most of it! But thats obviousely something ive got to get back into.
Back to earlier, im not going to let this drown me in software. I want to keep the technology apect faily simple but have a really well thought out concept of interaction. HUMAN INTERACTION is an area I'd like to explore......

Monday, 10 December 2007

I have not fully read this text by Niklas Luhmann, but in class we touched upon the key themes. Overall the text made itself sound overcomplicated by its use of language, but infact what he was saying was fairly straight forward and wasn’t that forward thinking considering it was wrote in 2005. Which is rather ironic, as he talks about systems that work on effective design.