Thursday, 24 January 2008


It can be said that i found his music offensive to the ear at times. However, he entices his audiences with nostalgic gameboy theme tunes that spring in here and there!
He set his parameters to a limitation of using just gameboy games. This was an interesting aspect, as he stated it allowed more room for creativity.
His influences have progressed throught his albums. Avant-Garde Minimalist's such as Steve Reich and John Cage have inspired his work. The idea of silence being avery imporetant factor.
He also took inspiration from unpredictable narratives. An example could apply to the style of Tom and Jerry cartoons. Naked city is a free jazz band that he referenced.
His early influences go back to the classical Boroque composer Bach. He tended to use singular notes rather than chords. This tactic applys to gameBoy music as they run on a four track sound that can only output one note at a time.
Dub Step was an area he dived. Its attitude focuses on the bass and tends to be relatively slow. An example he showed was BlackBeard. This attitude also applys to Stoner Rock. Bands such as Sleep being an influence.
He looked in to film music, John Carpenter being a massive influence with such films as Clockwork Orange , Halloween, The Shining. 80's electronic (abit cheesy) but amazing music.

Friday, 18 January 2008


Overall I’m very happy with this project. I feel like I found a really interesting theme around interactivity. I myself thoroughly enjoyed working on this subject. I collated good research around my chosen topic ‘Toilet Graffiti.’ Looking at the psychology behind it and also getting first hand research by taking photo’s around pub toilets. I also created a group on facebook to get my friends to send me photos too. This was great for building material to work with. Over time my research had broadened to areas such as identity, billboard advertisement and digital Media art piece’s concerning this topic.
I believe my concept of interactivity that I explored was a solid idea. Based around the themes of anonymous detached communication on human interactivity. My installation proposal accumulates my research and themes from throughout the project. I was also rather pleased with my interactive show reel made in Flash. I had had only a limited amount of time on computer software towards the end which made it hard, but it was accomplished and works fine.

If I had more time I would have liked to of been able to actually create my installation and see the outcomes, and hopefully take it further. I would also have liked to of made my interactive show reel allot more cleverly interactive. As I kept it rather simple due to time and technical capabilities. . I would then like at some later point put it on the internet and allow people to upload and view photos of it, collecting an archive of Latrinalia (the term given to toilet graffiti). I did try to start conversations in toilets for research but it was unsuccessful. So that would definitely something I would like to able to do properly and see where that could have taken me.

Interactivity - Rationale

Interactivity - Rationale

My starting block was remembering Simon Morse and Soheila Sokhanavri’s work. Morse’s work had a running theme of human interactivity. The work itself wasn’t physically interactive as such, but its messages and meaning lay in the concept. Soheila’s work was around the idea of human conditioning, where she would set up installations and observe how the public interacted and reacted. She wasn’t trying to oppose her own message, but letting it take its own course and observe reactions. I really liked this concept and wanted to apply social experiments in my project. Human interaction between themselves is the area I intended to explore.

My base to the project was around the idea of the interaction in public toilets, toilet graffiti. The idea of messages and pictures being written on surfaces that are not in the intention of the architecture, and strangers reading it and not knowing who did it really struck me. Someone would start with a phrase or picture, and over time people would add, reinterpret, and evolve it something that could take up a wall. The stranger interaction is an idea I really liked. A kind of detached communication. People would express inner views in these situations, as there’s security of anonymity. Such conversations would not always happen in a face to face situation, especially with strangers. Toilet graffiti is not just about tagging your signature (territorial pissings). (Such text is not simply marking territory, but also reveals the strategies that two or more participants who lack co-presence use to communicate, as well as aspects of the social connections between them, and mutual perceptions of, individuals.)
To gain research and material, I went around and snapped photos in pub toilets. Looking for interesting messages and conversations to use as either work content or research. This proved to be successful. To gain even more photo’s I created a group on Facebook to get my friends to send me ones that they had found either by taking the photo, or finding ones on the net they found interesting.
To convey my ideas I came up with an instillation idea. First of all it consists of an interface that allows the user to a write a short message. You then receive an anonymous message from a previous user. You can then reply to this comment; however the owner will not receive it. The whole experience will be anonymous. To an extent it’s simulating the effect of toilet graffiti communication. The user gives something to receive something back. However the experience will be different due to the fact the user has to participate to receive anything rather than just being a voyeur. The more people use it the more it grows.
I decided that the interface should be placed where only one person at a time can see it, enabling privacy. I would create a fake toilet cubicle and the interface would go on the wall inside. It would replicate a real cubicle to try and get people into the mindset of the tone of writing in public toilets. It would be interesting to see if people left their names, a message like a post card. Or weather the majority will remain anonymous and write extremer thoughts. There's also the possibility of people changing their identity and pretend they’re something they’re not. E.g. Sex, race, age.
I created an interactive web-site like document using Flash software. It displays my images of research on toilet graffiti. It would consist of photos that I had taken myself and ones that I had obtained from friends using a group on Facebook. I would then like at some later point put it on the internet and allow people to upload and view photos of it, collecting an archive of Latrinalia (the term given to toilet graffiti).

Installation proposal

To convey my ideas I came up with an instillation idea. First of all it consists of an interface that allows the user to a write a short message. You then receive an anonymous message from a previous user. You can then reply to this comment, however the owner will not receive it. The whole experience will be anonymous. To an extent it’s simulating the effect of toilet graffiti communication. The user gives something to receive something back. However the experience will be different due to the fact the user has to participate to receive anything rather than just being a voyeur. The more people use it the more it grows.I decided that the interface should be placed where only one person at a time can see it, enabling privacy. I would create a fake toilet cubicle and the interface would go on the wall inside. It would replicate a real cubicle to try and get people into the mindset of the tone of writing in public toilets. It would be interesting to see if people left their names, a message like a post card. Or weather the majority will remain anonymous and write extremer thoughts. There's also the possibility of people changing their identity and pretend they’re something they’re not. E.g. Sex, race, age.

Interactive showreel of research

I created an interactive web-site like document using Flash software. It displays my images of research on toilet graffiti. It would consist of photos that I had taken myself and ones that I had obtained from friends using a group on Facebook. I would then like at some later point put it on the internet and allow people to upload and view photos of it, collecting an archive of Latrinalia (the term given to toilet graffiti).

Producing my idea

an interface that allows you to write whatever you like. a message, a qoute ect.... once you write your message, you then recieve one fro, a previous person doing so. its place would be intended for an installtion, where it would grow the more people interact and contribute with it. the whole experience will be anonymous. the user gives something to recieve the same back.

it is vaguely following the interaction that happens in toilets. however this is a limited experience. you also have to participate to recieve anything, rather than just being a voyeur.

I decided that the interface should be placed where only one person at a time can see it, enabling privacy. I would create a fake toilet cubicle and the interface would go on the wall inside. It would replicate a real cubicle to try and get people into the mindset of the tone of writing in public toilets. It would be interesting to see if people left their names, a message like a post card. Or weather the majority will remain anonymous and write extremer thoughts. There's also the possibility of people changing their identity and pretend they’re something they’re not. E.g. Sex, race, age.


After speaking with Micheal, he told me to look at the situationists. The link being the idea of human interaction. The situationists are very similar to Marxism. They pay attention to the priority of real life, real life interactivity, which continually experiments and corrects itself instead of reiterating their beliefs. They often attempted to create ‘situations’ where humans would interact together as people. Not mediated by commodities.

Social Identity

The new forms of social interaction it allows require us to reconsider the meanings of terms such as ‘community’ and ‘identity’. It allows communication between millions, who will generally have never net. The user can present themselves to many others with almost no restrictions, and via various media. Significantly the individual has much more control over the expression of their identity than face to face interaction. Users can impart anonymous, or create a new identity on the net. I also looked at internet dating sites that set up non traceable phone lines enabling non traceable calls.

Monday, 7 January 2008

Over the holidays....

Right.... Its the first day back for the new year, and i realise I have not posted a blog for a while!
Over the holidays I just carried on researching, but have struggled to actually create anything, due to having no access to a computer..
I'm still yet to finalise an idea, and is something i must address relatively soon. My theme or concept is still around the idea of anonymous identity and interaction. I want to create some kind of experiment that uses this concept.. Im feeling I want it not be too software scripting based. i.e. An awsome flash document..
I'm going to post all my work from over the holidays, so they wont neccesarrily be my thought process that the date states..